"How To Write a Professional Level Screenplay, Taught By A Producer Who Writes and Produces Movies" 

Access This screenplay writing course On Demand


Dear Screenwriter - 

My name is Tom Malloy. I’ve produced twenty films and I’ve raised over $25 million from financiers to fund those films...

But more importantly for you, some of the most money and success I've had in the film business has come from writing.  I've written 30 screenplays, and optioned, sold, or made into movies 25 of those screenplays.

I've been in the WGA (Writers Guild of America) for almost 20 years.  

Writing has always been one of my three core businesses (Writing, Producing, Acting).

Here's the best part about screenwriting... 

"Screenwriters Can Make A REALLY GREAT Living"

If you get into the Writer's Guild of America, the least you can get paid for an original screenplay is roughly $75,000. Think about that!

But let's be honest.

Many people dream of writing movies, inspired by their favorite films and TV shows. Yet, most ideas never turn into screenplays. Why? Because it takes more than just an idea.

You need a fully finished, professionally written screenplay. 


What really counts is how good your screenplay is. And that's not just about having a great idea. It's about knowing how to write it well.

That's where the magic of this screenwriting course comes in.

By engaging with each video lesson and completing each assignments, you're not just learning—you're doing.

If you watch each lesson and set aside some time to go through the assignments, you’ll be actively turning your screenplay dream into reality.

Tom Holland, Writer/Director

"Getting the money is the vital part of getting your film made. Without money, nothing else can happen. Kudos to Tom Malloy"

Tom Holland, Film Director

"Are You Ready To Turn Your Ideas Into Movie Scripts?"

No matter if you're a beginner or you've already written multiple screenplays, this screenwriting course is your path to professional scriptwriting.

We guide you from your first idea to your final draft. 

Here's an overview of each screenwriting lesson:

PART 01: Before You Start

Find out why you want to write and learn the basic rules. Start thinking about your story and why it matters to you.


Learn to tell your story quickly and make it sound interesting. This part is about crafting a summary and an exciting hook.


This lesson teaches you how to lay out your story and what will happen in each part. It's like a map for your script.

PART 04: Screenwriting Software

Find out about different screenwriting software apps and choose the best tool for writing your script.


Start turning your ideas into an actual script. It's about going from planning to writing. Then getting words on paper.


Learn how to set deadlines to keep writing and not slow down. It's about managing your time, and getting things done.


Find out how to make sure people like reading your script. Learn how to use feedback to make your script better. 


This lesson talks about the mistakes new screenwriters make and how to avoid them. It helps you make your script better.


Learn what to do after you finish your script, like meeting people in the industry, showing your script to others, and understanding the business side of movies.


"Tom’s willingness to share his experience so openly has definitely helped launch us on our way to producing our feature."

Dj Travis & Ellen Yee Say, Filmmakers

"You Also Get My Personal Screenwriting BONUSES"

In addition to the screenwriting lessons, I've also included some extra bonuses. 

These bonuses are easy to use and really helpful to make your writing even better.

Here's what you'll get:

BONUS 01: Sample Coverage Report

This bonus offers a real-life example of a coverage report, a tool used by industry professionals to evaluate screenplays. 

BONUS 02: Sample Synopsis & Logline

Receive samples of effective synopses and loglines, showcasing how to succinctly yet convey the essence of your story. 

BONUS 03: Sample Treatment

This bonus provides a sample treatment, offering a glimpse into the process of outlining a screenplay. 

BONUS 04: Sample Scene List

Gain access to a sample scene list, illustrating how to effectively organize and structure individual scenes within your screenplay. 

BONUS 05: Supplemental Videos

These supplemental videos provide additional insights and advice on various aspects of screenwriting. 

"Why Is This Screenwriting Course SO AFFORDABLE?"

You might be asking asking, why is this online screenwriting course so affordable?

The Write Your Screenplay videos and all the bonuses are actually worth more than the $2,931 you'd typically pay for one of those weekend writing workshops. And many of those are taught by people who have never produced movies.

Our course has tips that really work to help you write and sell your script. 

I want to make sure this course is easy for you to get, without breaking the bank. So that's why it's only $97 to start learning how to write like a pro.

Click below for instant access to the screenwriting lessons!


"Tom understands what it takes to close an investor and to even find them! He is an excellent teacher and I highly recommend him."

Carole Joyce Filmmaker

"Try THIS Screenwriting Course Risk Free With Our 100% Money BAck Guarantee"

I put a ton of work into making this the best step-by-step screenwriting training in the world. I’m convinced you won’t find a better system to help you learn this stuff. 

So when you get this training, you’re free to try it out for 60-days.

If you follow the steps and really give it a shot I guarantee you’ll be satisfied. 

And if this training does not help you get closer to your screenwriting goals, I will happily return your money. 

And as my gift you can even keep your downloads!

"Level Up Your Screenwriting Journey Today"

Fill in your details below to start your screenwriting journey.

You're just a step away from unlocking the world of professional screenwriting. 

Fill in your details below to get started today:

"Screenwriting Simplified: Your Questions Answered"

Now that you've got an overview of what this online screenwriting course offers and the risk-free opportunity waiting for you, you might still have some questions.

Here are answers to popular questions about this course: 

What is "Write Your Screenplay" by Tom Malloy?

"Write Your Screenplay" is an instructional video series created by Tom Malloy, a seasoned film producer and writer. This program is designed to guide aspiring screenwriters through the process of writing a professional-level screenplay. It covers essential steps from preparing the synopsis and logline to completing a "real" first draft, setting deadlines, and avoiding common mistakes.

How can Tom Malloy's screenwriting training help aspiring writers?

Tom Malloy's training is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to screenwriting. It's especially beneficial because it doesn't just cover the writing process but also provides insights into the professional aspects of screenwriting, like understanding screenplay market standards, setting self-imposed deadlines, and getting professional feedback. This holistic approach is designed to significantly increase the chances of selling or producing a screenplay.

What unique benefits are offered in this screenwriting course?

The course offers a range of unique benefits, including access to sample coverage reports, synopses, loglines, treatments, and scene lists. Additionally, it includes supplementary YouTube videos and the promise of practical assignments that will culminate in the completion of a screenplay.

How much does the "Write Your Screenplay" course cost?

The "Write Your Screenplay" course is priced at $97, which, according to Tom Malloy, is a fraction of its true value considering the in-depth knowledge and industry insights it provides.

Who is Tom Malloy and why should I trust his screenwriting advice?

Tom Malloy is an experienced filmmaker who has produced twenty films and raised over $25 million in financing for these projects. He has been a member of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) for almost 20 years, has written 30 screenplays, and has had success in optioning, selling, or getting produced 25 of those screenplays. His extensive experience and success in the industry make his advice and insights particularly valuable for aspiring screenwriters.

What are the key steps covered in this screenwriting course?

Tom Malloy offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for the course. If a user doesn't find the course helpful in achieving their screenwriting goals, they can request a full refund within this period.

Is this screenwriting course suitable for beginners?

Yes, Tom Malloy's screenwriting course is designed to be accessible and valuable for beginners. It provides step-by-step guidance, making it suitable for those who are new to screenwriting and looking to learn the fundamental aspects of writing a professional-level screenplay.

Can this screenwriting course help in selling a screenplay?

Tom Malloy's course aims to guide writers not just in creating a screenplay but also in taking steps toward selling it. The course covers aspects of the industry and professional writing that can help increase the chances of a screenplay being sold or produced.

What makes this screenwriting advice credible?

Tom Malloy's credibility comes from his extensive experience in the film industry. He has 20 million dollars to produce multiple feature films, and is a long-standing member of the Writers Guild of America. His success in writing, optioning, selling, and getting screenplays produced adds substantial credibility to his advice.

Are there any bonuses included with this screenwriting course?

Yes, the course includes several bonuses, such as sample coverage reports, synopses, loglines, treatments, and scene lists. These resources are designed to complement the video training and provide practical examples and templates for aspiring screenwriters.

How does this screenwriting course differ from courses?

Tom Malloy offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for the course. If a user doesn't find the course helpful in achieving their screenwriting goals, they can request a full refund within this period.

Where can I access this screenwriting course?

The course can be accessed online. Upon purchasing, participants are provided with a username and password for instant access to the course materials, including the video series and bonus content.

What is the refund policy for the "Write Your Screenplay" course?

Tom Malloy offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for the course. If a user doesn't find the course helpful in achieving their screenwriting goals, they can request a full refund within this period.

What if I have questions about this course or need support?

If you have questions or need assistance regarding the course, you can reach out at 310-746-3868. This contact information provides direct access to customer service for any inquiries related to the "Write Your Screenplay" program.

"Write Movie Scripts Fast"

Your time is important. This training is designed to help you get a few good ideas so you can "level up" your writing. You can log in any time and go at your own pace.

Also keep in mind that this training comes to you risk free... If after going through the video modules, you decide the training is not for you, just reach out for a full refund.

And as our gift to you, you can even keep your bonus downloads. 

So what are you waiting for?

Got questions? Give us a call 310.746.3868

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Before you invest in this training, please know that not all people will get the same results from this information. This is because some people have been producing films for years. And because these folks have lots of experience and connections, they may be able to apply this training in ways that a beginner cannot. Your own results will vary based on your background, experience, and ability to take action. Every business... Especially the motion picture business involves risk. The people who get results take action, continually educate themselves and they often get lucky. So if you're not okay with this reality, then please DO NOT invest in this training.

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