
"My Film Is Finished... Now What?" 

If you've Finished Your Feature Film, This Video Training Provides You With A Roadmap On What To Do Next...

Dear Filmmaker - 

My name is Tom Malloy. I’ve produced sixteen films and I’ve raised over $25 million from financiers to fund those films...

I want to congratulate you.  You've finished your movie.  You've made it through the arduous task of Production.  And then, suddenly, you get this feeling of dread.  You think to yourself, "Now what?"

This video series is for you.  I've outlined a step by step approach to everything that needs to be done After the Shoot.  From Post-Production, to Landing a deal, to Delivery, to Screenings/Premieres, and finally, laying the groundwork for your future career.

Do you need to have a film "in the can" to benefit from this video?  Not at all.  Knowing these skills in advance will allow you to map out your plan for a potentially successful film that will lead to a future in movies.

That feeling of dread you get when you realize you have to guide this film to the finish line is one we've all experienced.  This video series aims at steering you in the right direction and giving you the tools you need to get it done.

Tom Holland, Writer/Director

"Getting the money is the vital part of getting your film made. Without money, nothing else can happen. Kudos to Tom Malloy"

"How Much Goes Into Post Production?"

Post-Production can start off slow and then, steadily, become an overwhelming time.  Your huge crew and staff have now departed, and there might only be an editor and yourself.  But the edit is not the only thing you have to worry about.  You need to tackle the music, the sound mix, the color correction, and the visual effects!

On top of that, you need to be able to set up your film for eventual delivery.  "Delivery" is the process of handling the film over to a distributor or sales agent with all the right materials involved.

This video series not only covers every aspect, it gives you a sample delivery checklist so you know what most distributors and sales agents will be looking for!

"What About Screenings and Premieres?"

One of the best ways to get feedback on your film is to have a screening for an audience.  You can give them a questionnaire (sample included in this training), and analyze the data afterwards to make changes.  

Another type of screening is the special private screening for friends, family, and crew.  This is usually a small event with the select people you want to present the film to.

Yet another type of screening is a specific one you may set up for a sales agent/distributor, or for multiple potential buyers.

Lastly, what about your film Premiere?  How do you set that up?  And what elements are involved.

All of this is answered in this video series.


"After the Production"

movie distribution prep course

Do you want to know how to take a completed film and guide it to potential success, step by step?  Then this training is for you, no matter if you've shot a film yet or not!

Also note, that one of the top BONUSES with this series is a contact list with an extensive lists of contacts for every aspect of post production, for screenings, and for delivery!

Part 1: Post Production

Part 2: The Standard Delivery Elements

Part 3: Screening the Film

Part 4: Finding Distributors

Part 5: The Success of Your Film and You

Tom Holland, Writer/Director

"Getting the money is the vital part of getting your film made. Without money, nothing else can happen. Kudos to Tom Malloy"

So How Much You Have To Invest To Access

The After Production Training?

Because it took me years to learn this stuff, the true value of the training you’re getting today, including the AFM Action Plan and the bonuses is worth well over $297.

And let’s be frank, if this strategy can help you get a few steps closer to getting your next film produced or distributed, then that price this is an absolute bargain...

However, you don’t have to pay that amount to enjoy the professional benefits of the AFM Action Plan. Instead, all you have to pay is $47

Click below to get started. And once you place the order, you'll be provided with a user name and password for instant access!

Tom Holland, Writer/Director

"Getting the money is the vital part of getting your film made. Without money, nothing else can happen. Kudos to Tom Malloy"

Why You Risk Absolutely Nothing

I put a ton of work into making this the best step-by-step post shoot training in the world. I’m convinced you won’t find a better system to help you learn this stuff. So when you get this training, you’re free to try it out for 60-days.

If you follow the steps and really give it a shot I guarantee you’ll be satisfied. And if this training does not help you get closer to your filmmaking goals, I will happily return your money. And as my gift you can even keep your downloads!

movie distribution prep course

(60 Day Money-Back Guarantee! Questions? 310-746-3868)



Tom Malloy

P.S. Your time is important. This training is designed to help you get a few good ideas so you can "level up" your filmmaking. You can log in any time and go at your own pace.

P.P.S. Also keep in mind that this training comes to you risk free... If after going through the video modules, you decide the training is not for you, just reach out for a full refund.

And as our gift to you, you can even keep your bonus downloads. So what are you waiting for?

Get started right now... And I'll see you on the other side. 😉

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Before you invest in this training, please know that not all people will get the same results from this information. This is because some people have been producing films for years. And because these folks have lots of experience and connections, they may be able to apply this training in ways that a beginner cannot. Your own results will vary based on your background, experience, and ability to take action. Every business... Especially the motion picture business involves risk. The people who get results take action, continually educate themselves and they often get lucky. So if you're not okay with this reality, then please DO NOT invest in this training.

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